
“Sticks and stones may break my bones; but, words….” Words not only have a mental effect; but, they also have energetic consequences. Sharing and supportive listening helps to create connection and companionship in navigating life. It may be something that we read, watched, heard (i.e., news, a bit of gossip) …

2024: Strength, Renewal & Change

In a time of overwhelm, uncertainty, and unrest; Living Sanctuary provides help anchoring within to find calming clarity and unexpected resources in the tumultuous eye of the storm as well as strength to persevere in creating positive change for ourselves, loved ones, our communities, and the world. Our Pay-It-Forward Program (by donation) …

Healing Lifestyle

Living Sanctuary provides resources for holistic health and healing (personal, family/ancestral, community, and environment). We help you to heal emotional pain and trauma as well as to improve overall health and wellbeing, manage chronic health conditions, and optimize your quality of life. We also support you in developing a way of …

Living Sanctuary

We provide holistic health and healing personal sessions, groups, classes, and courses. This work is not only to get through difficult changes and situations; but, to revitalize life. It is also an opportunity to reconnect and deepen inner relationship to further personal-spiritual development. Receive help to:◦ Navigate life challenges ◦ Release …