We are inspired to create from our heart-soul aspirations. Creating from what brings us joy, peace, and balance contributes to our growth/development. Manifesting is the unfolding of our creation into the physical plane. Ideally, we access our heart’s deepest desires from a place of truth and mind-body-soul alignment; our spirit …
“The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you; it is when you don’t understand yourself.” Through out our life, we often seek to understand ourselves, others, and our world. As we deepen in awareness, we have more questions than answers. Eventually, we begin to see with clarity beyond the concepts of …
An Eternal Relationship…
“We are Nature! The Earth and all of her inhabitants are one organism.” The Earth is responsible for all aspects of life- the basics for survival and to potentially maximize our ability to thrive in our evolutionary process. Spending time alone or with family and friends in Nature surrounded by the rest of the Earth’s …
Creating Living Sanctuary Podcast
Join us for our new Creating Living Sanctuary Podcast! This podcast on Holistic Health & Healing: Mind-Body-Spirit, Family/Ancestral, Community, & Environment includes heart messages, prayer songs, meditation, intuitive guidance, and opportunities for healing. Learn more about Creating Living Sanctuary and our other online community events and offerings.